Tuesday 14 August 2012

Microsoft RT and why you can't say 'metro' anymore

The line between Netbooks, Notebooks and Tablets are slowly merging into one gigantic pool of confusion. Recently, with the release of Windows 8, Microsoft also announced a version of their software that would run on ARM devices, which in essence will be in between a tablet and a laptop. But what is Windows RT as it is called, and what makes it different?

Windows RT is simply abbreviated letters for Runtime, which is the name of the engine that runs the "Metro" apps. Unlike the regular version of Windows 8, RT will be sold directly to manufacturers and will be preloaded on RT devices. Those will often have a detachable keyboard, but also a touch screen so that it functions both as a laptop and a tablet. It will only run apps downloaded from the Windows Store, similar to a tablet or smartphone.
RT Tablets will supposedly have longer battery life, faster gesture support, NFC(Near Field Communication) and better graphics than other tablets, according to an article on Cnet.

This effectively creates a new level of computing device that falls somewhere between the currently popular tablets, and the more powerful notebooks or laptops. Netbooks have all but died in the market with the tablet revolution currently in effect.

Dell, Lenovo and Samsung will be developing Windows RT computers, and Asus has already announced a RT tablet in the works.
One version of the Microsoft Surface, their own tablet, will also run Windows RT.

Windows RT will not include Windows Media Player, but have a RT version of the new office.

With all the hype in tablets, Microsoft is really putting out to fit the market, and in my humble opinion, they are not doing a bad job. They have been aiming high since Windows 8's announcement and so far they have not dissappointed where the big picture is concerned. We will have to wait and see if the Windows RT tablets are feasible in a market where Apple and Samsung already flies high.

While we are on the subject of Microsoft, they have recently changed the official naming of the 'metro'-style appearance of Windows 8 to simply calling it Windows 8. The reason for this is that they are stepping lightly around using the name after German retailer Metro AG supposedly implied that they were unhappy with Microsoft using the name. According to MS, the name was more of a code name that they would slowly change away from when the OS was finally released, but personally I think the name will stay with us forever. The dreaded Metro, so user-friendly that people like me will dislike it because it is too automatic for my taste.

Microsoft is busy this year, and many are waiting for the release of Windows 8 in October when RT, Windows Phone 8 and the Surface will make their appearances. We'll see how it all pans out in the end.

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